Your obstacle is your secret recipe

A surprise in my morning meditation…

I’ve been trying really hard, putting in the hours, the research, the work.

During meditation this morning, I discovered that my alter ego, the dancing Serafina Fortuna, was not on board with my Plan A. No wonder I’ve been struggling.

She’s my magical fun-loving self, and she doesn’t want to work at all — because she hasn’t been having any fun! Arrgh, but I understand this. Where’s the magic?

The pandemic sure has changed the way we live. This pic of me was taken at a Renaissance Faire a few years ago. I love Ren Faires! (I loved my long coppery-colored hair, chuckle, but my new short hair style is easier to manage.)

Fun is on the calendar. I’m visiting friends today, and tomorrow I’ll go for a country drive to take beautiful pictures of the mountains, trees, and snow under a vivid blue sky.

I wonder, what’s holding you back? What’s your struggle?
Is there some aspect of yourself that keeps reining you in, stopping you from moving forward?

* What do you regret? What can you change?
* What do you want your life to look like in 10 years? 5 years?

Oh heck, let’s just look at 6 months from now, lol. My life has been changing so much over the last few years that my wants and needs keep changing, too.

If you’ve tried everything and want some support toward success, may I offer my signature hypnotherapy program? You’ll find the answers to questions such as,

How can I have a delightful love life, strong relationships, a satisfying career, good health habits?

Helping you on the adventure of your soul’s journey brings me so much joy it makes me laugh and cry.

I’m a fantastic hypnotherapist for women who yearn meet their potential. It’s your secret recipe for… almost anything!

My signature program offers one call/week including a custom hypnotherapy guided meditation based on the breakthroughs in your call. Emails during the week, or Voxer, to help you stay on track.

You would also get a custom Bach Flower Remedy to inspire greater awareness of your inner life, stimulating your capacity for self-discovery and growth.


You’ve been asking about your spirituality; therefore, you’re ready to find the deep answers.

I’m filled with joy at the thought of you deepening your spirituality, delving into your inner self, your higher self, and bringing her into your awakening life.

You are a strong and powerful Goddess just waiting to express your true identity in your world.

You’ll be astonished at your Before & After breakthroughs, crying tears of joy.

If crying tears of joy sounds magical, let’s chat to find out if we’re a good fit.

Because you have potential! For
• good health habits
• a delightful love life
• strong relationships
• a satisfying career.

The stuff of life that feeds your soul. I love my work! I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Lotsa hugs,
Peg McMahan, HHP, CHt, LMT
Be a Goddess!



Peg McMahan ✵Fantastic Hypnotherapist ✵Soul Wisdom

Silence the sneaky snarky Inner Critic… Awaken the passionate fire in your Soul... Cultivate an inspirational life! Be a Goddess! Hypnotherapy works!