The Saboteur strikes again, stopping you from being happy no matter how hard you try

How’s it going? What’s working? What’s not working? How is your heart feeling? Yucky? !!!

Truth: Everything is temporary. It all comes to an end eventually. The obstacles and motivators crumble or move on. You change direction for one reason or another. Something you really wanted doesn’t come to be. Something you don’t want continues as though it has a long-life battery. Arrgh!

These are all signs that you’ve moved into the next stage of self-actualization. The one where you start calling the shots. Now it’s time to become the You that you really want to be.

Do you own your own beliefs? (Trick question.) If you’ve been reading my work for awhile, you know that I am a firm believer in mind-over-matter, and that your thoughts direct your behavior.

At this stage of your life, this stage of self-actualization, you are in a deeper phase of self-discovery.

Feeling restless? You are now free to formulate your own beliefs about everything and anything.

You are able to follow your own motivations; and you’re getting better at discerning which ones are coming from your self-Saboteur and which ones are real messages from your Soul.

This stage of life is extremely difficult because you are separating yourself from what your family and friends demand that you believe and be, moving yourself into forming your own beliefs based on your experiences and your spirituality.

So again with the trick question. Have you separated yourself from your tribal influences (first and second chakras) and landed firmly in your own empowering beliefs, the ones that actually work FOR you? Or are you yearning to be there?

Again, this stage of life is difficult. It can tear you apart as you leave behind the ones who demand that you follow their strictures. As you realize that a particular belief isn’t true.

This stage of life teaches you

  • How to speak up for yourself
  • How to develop your own beliefs
  • How to recognize the narcissistic behavior of others — and yourself
  • How to separate yourself from your voice of woundedness, extolling your pains, your hurts, your wounds, and inevitably inviting people to share theirs with you so you can all wallow and stay there forever and ever

This stage teaches you what “self-esteem” really means and how to live in a daily state of self-esteem. It’s not an easy stage. It’s something you really need a mentor for to help you get through, to help you silence the Saboteur so you can make real progress.

The Visionary You

This is the best time to discover who you really are (Adventurous? Bold? Enthusiastic? Independent? Non-conforming? Questing? Self-sufficient? Trailblazer! Visionary!)

Hey, let’s add “inspirational” to your list because you’re in the right lane to inspire someone with your self-confident walk and talk.


Embrace Your Saboteur with Hypnosis

If any of this sounds magical to you, then you would very likely benefit greatly from my ‘Embrace Your Saboteur’ women’s gatherings.

  1. A weekly group get-together for sharing and support
  2. A guided hypnosis meditation to listen to just before sleeping
  3. Past Life Regression to discover similar issues in other lifetimes
  4. Light hypnosis to neutralize unhelpful beliefs leftover from the tribal mind
  5. Bach Flower Essences to help you move in sync with your Soul’s purposes
  6. A personal assessment showing your energy imbalances
  7. You’ll learn my signature technique for healing your wounds, and the ones that are similar, so they become “just something that happened” instead of ruling your life

You won’t have to bare your soul. You won’t have to talk about what really happened.

Believe me when I say that most of the women in your gathering have experienced similar events and circumstances, including me. So we all understand where you’re coming from.

This is where you’ll learn the discipline to stop your Saboteur in its tracks before it wrecks your life.

If you want an ★ immensely inspiring before & after, a transformative breakthrough…

If you want to ★ explore your potential and build your personal empowerment, then contact me for the password to the group’s info page. I love talking about my work!

Lotsa hugs,

Peg McMahan, HHP, CHt, LMT

Your Saboteur plays a leading role on every stage in your life, always looking to distract you, stop you. You don’t get what you want. Ever!

Photo credit © lucidwaters / Can Stock Photo Inc. [ File # csp8194301, License # 12513107 ]

#self-sabotage #hypnosis #personalgrowth #therapy #saboteurarchetype



Peg McMahan ✵Fantastic Hypnotherapist ✵Soul Wisdom

Silence the sneaky snarky Inner Critic… Awaken the passionate fire in your Soul... Cultivate an inspirational life! Be a Goddess! Hypnotherapy works!