How not using creativity messes up your whole life and what to do about it

Did you know that it’s not just your subconscious beliefs about love or money that can get in your way? If you’re not enjoying yourself…

If you aren’t taking care of yourself… if you’re working so much more than playing… if you aren’t allowing joy into your everyday experience, it will impact all the areas of your life: health, relationships, work.

I was chatting with a FB friend who was having some issues with inadequate income. I replied to her post, and then people started replying to my reply. Cascade effect! It was magical.

This situation happened to me, too. I was working seven days week — posting, marketing, writing — and feeling discouraged because I didn’t seem to be getting any traction. You know the feeling, right?

During meditation one morning, Ah-ha! I discovered that my alter ego, the dancing, fun loving Serafina Fortuna, was not on board with my Plan A and her attitude was affecting my income, my health, my happiness.

Serafina and I had a chat where I realized that she was resisting any work because we had been working too hard for the past couple of years, with very few moments of fun. I had deviated from my path. No adventures. No dancing. I could barely go into my art studio to create a greeting card, much less a large piece of art. So we planned some outings and visits with family and friends.

I started giving myself some fun time instead of working ad nauseum. Then women started contacting me, asking about my new premium Visionary Hypnotherapy program. It was magical! I loved it!

Everything affects you emotionally and physically

My Spirit Guides piped up on this topic, because to them, life on Earth is about enjoyment, feeling good, feeling your emotions, and learning from your experiences.

I could go into detail about how my health had started a downward slide, but I think I’ll just tell you that when I stepped back on my path and committed to my overall well-being, my health started shifting upward. It took some time and focus.

What that tells you is that it’s not about what is going wrong. It’s about what is incomplete in your life, say my Spirit Guides.

That wonky sugar imbalance is beneficial in that it brings you back to this moment, not far reaching, worrying into the future. Hot flashes keep you settled in space in your body. (When you’re having a hot flash, it’s kinda hard to think about anything else in that moment.)

That nervous feeling? It’s your cue, your signal, that you need to step back and let yourself rest, have some fun.

Nighttime discomfort? And aren’t you far reaching in your dreams? Bring your dreams to the here and now and hot flashes will stop. This applies on so many levels, yes? How do you stay present in your dreams? The same way as when awake. Focus. Meditate. Think about what you DO want. Then see what happens.

Enjoyment, Creativity are essential: 3 Steps

I was looking up “causes” of some physical issues and found that Louise Hay says that some conditions are imbalanced because you are suppressing your creativity. Huh. Isn’t that interesting?

So it follows to reason that if you allow yourself some time, even if it’s just a few minutes of doodling or jotting down some interesting thoughts, then how you feel will change. That’s worth trying, right?

Something that keeps coming up for me is this phrase: Release and Expand. Just release and expand. What does that mean for you?

How your creativity blossoms

Think for a moment or two about the ways you like, or would like to allow your creativity to blossom.

The let’s create a baseline of where you are right now. You can do that by writing a couple of simple letters.

Release …

• Dear Past Me. Talk about what you wish you had done, what you wish had happened. Get it all out. Get it over and done with. Then set it aside. You may never want to read it again because it will lose importance.
• Dear Present Me. Write about how you feel right now. Scribble until you are tired of writing. Set the letter aside for at least one month.

… and Expand

OK, now that’s done. Whew! Didn’t know it would be so sweat inducing!

• Dear Future Me. Now it’s time to dream about what could be. Jot down some stuff about what you’d like to see happen in your life. Relationships, health, meaningful work. ONLY jot down the good stuff. You may not use any sentence with “I don’t want…”. Think only about what you DO want.

• Set aside an allotted time for creative expression, to practice your imagination muscle. Journaling, doodling, a coloring book, growing a plant, cooking delicious food, rearranging furniture into a more pleasing pattern. Something that occupies your mind so much that you lose track of time.

Neuroscientists say it takes 30 days to create a new groove in your brain (new habit, new thought, etc.) Stick to your new practice every day for at least 31 days to imbed the habit, because if you skip a day, the brain groove relaxes and disappears. Gotta start over at day one.

That’s it. It’s enough to get you started on a fresh discovery, a new track, a new path. Or simply a magical path that keeps beckoning you. All it takes is one step, one action. Wash, rinse, repeat. Manifestation happens.

You have blind spots, failure points. It’s hard to see them because… well, there’s a reason they are called blind spots.

It’s helpful to have someone in your corner, to root for you, cheer you on, help you get out of the stuck places. Shift you into your genuine identity, the real you.

When you recognize who you truly are, it’s an ah-ha moment. “Oh, that explains a lot.”

I have space in my hypnotherapy practice for three more courageous, adventurous women who want to arrive at a different destination that the one that’s looming like a storm cloud. Let’s chat.

Lotsa hugs,

Peg McMahan, HHP, CHt, LMT

Visionary Hypnotherapy for • a delightful love life • better health habits • strong relationships • meaningful work • alignment with your soul’s intentions.



Peg McMahan ✵Fantastic Hypnotherapist ✵Soul Wisdom

Silence the sneaky snarky Inner Critic… Awaken the passionate fire in your Soul... Cultivate an inspirational life! Be a Goddess! Hypnotherapy works!